#46 Exquisite duck meat soba in Malaysia “Kuriya”

前回マレーシアで食べる本格手打ちそばを紹介させていただきました。その際にはどうしてもダブル肉蕎麦が気になってしまい、本来食べたいと思っていた鴨蕎麦を食べることが出来ませんでした。 大分過ぎてしまいましたが、今回あのとき忘れたものを取り戻しに行ってきました。 鴨肉蕎麦以外の蕎麦ももちろん美味しいです。 前回のダブル肉蕎麦を紹介した記事が別途あります。まだそちらを読んでいない方は是非参考にしてください。サイドメニューやデザートもその際注文しています。 マレーシア情報#13 (本格蕎麦屋 厨) 本格手打ち蕎麦 「厨」 厨 冒頭に述べたように今回来たのは他でもない私がここで初めて注文した鴨肉蕎麦(冷)をどうしても食べたくて、渋滞の中我慢しながらやってきました。 非常に腹ペコな状態でした。 ここが蕎麦打ちをしている場所と道具です。基本的に昼食前後に蕎麦を作っているのが見ることが出来ます。 蕎麦の手打ち場 こちらが注文した鴨肉蕎麦です。 鴨肉蕎麦 鴨肉蕎麦 RM27.9(約750円)は冷たい方がお勧めです。鴨肉の入った出汁は温かいです。 鴨肉はジューシーで歯ごたえがあります。 蕎麦の硬さは少し固めでしたが、柔らかいのよりかは好きなので私は問題ありません。 やっぱりダントツでこの鴨肉蕎麦の方がおいしいですね。 この日は金曜日だからかお店はかなり繁盛していました。 私のおすすめメニュー鴨肉蕎麦(冷)ぜひ食べてください。 店舗情報 住所:T2, 3rd floor, Bangsar Shopping Centre 285 Jalan Ma’arof, Taman Bukit Bandaraya, 59000 Kuala Lumpur 営業時間: 月曜日 ~ 金曜日 ランチ : 11:30am ~ 3:00pm (ラストオーダー  2:45pm) ディナー : 6:00pm ~ 10:00pm (ラストオーダー 9:45pm) 土曜日、日曜日、祝日 ランチ : 11:30am ~ 3:30pm (ラストオーダー 3:15pm) ディナー : 5:30pm ~ 10:00pm (ラストオーダー 9:45pm) 電話番号:+60 3 2093 9242 前回のダブル肉蕎麦を紹介した記事が別途あります。まだそちらを読んでいない方は是非参考にしてください。サイドメニューやデザートもその際注文しています。 マレーシア情報#13 (本格蕎麦屋 厨)

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Last time I introduce about the original hand made soba you can eat in Malaysia. At that time I was intrested in double meat soba and do to that I couldn’t eat duck meat soba which was the soba I liked in this soba restaurant.

Since already long time but to get back what I forget here, I came to order my favorite menu.

Of course not only duck meat soba but other soba is also delicious.

The previous article about double meat soba you can refer below link. At that time I also order other side menu and dessert as well.

Malaysia info #13 (Japanese traditional soba “Kuriya”)


Original hand made soba restaurant Kuriya

Kuriya restaurant
Restaurant Kuriya

As mention above my scope for today is to order duck meat soba (Kamo soba) which is the menu I ordered at the first time when I visit Kuriya. On the way to the restaurant there were heavy jam but I was very patient because of this.

But it made me really really hungry.

This is the area where the chef make the soba and normally they prepare around lunch hour.

Soba handmade tools

This is the menu I ordered duck meat soba (Kamo soba).

Duck meat soba

Duck meat soba RM27.9(7 USD)cold is recommand to eat. The soup with duck meat is hot/warm.

Duck meat and juicy and chewy.

The noodles were it hard which is better than soft for me.

For sure for myself this is best menu in Kuriya.

This day was Friday so restaurant was crowded.

Please order my recommand menu in Kuriya duck meat soba.

Restaurant Info

Address:T2, 3rd floor, Bangsar Shopping Centre 285 Jalan Ma’arof, Taman Bukit Bandaraya, 59000 Kuala Lumpur

Operation hour:

Monday ~ Friday

Lunch : 11:30am ~ 3:00pm (last order   2:45pm)

Dinner : 6:00pm ~ 10:00pm (last order 9:45pm)

Saturday、Sunday、Public Holiday

Lunch : 11:30am ~ 3:30pm (last order 3:15pm)

Dinner : 5:30pm ~ 10:00pm (last order 9:45pm)

TEL:+60 3 2093 9242

The previous article about double meat soba you can refer below link. At that time I also order other side menu and dessert as well.

Malaysia info #13 (Japanese traditional soba “Kuriya”)

#45 Best Mexican foor tacos but came from USA

#47 Pork free exclusive restaurant The Tokyo Ramen

I had write the other country article which I had gone. Time by time I'm writing so I hope it will be reference for your trip.

Traveling in oversea

Article about Japan is also updating time by time.

Traveling in Japan

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Author of this article

easy@traveling2012のアバター easy@traveling2012 旅人サラリーマン

Working as businessman. Hobby is traveling on weekends and long holiday.
I have frequent traveler status for Oneworld and Star alliance.
I would like to share my trip easily and appreciate that I can explain how nice is that country and of course about Japan too.
Some of the info is bit old and it might have some difference from current info. Sorry for these kind of inconvenience cases.

If you have any recommend country or place to share that is also nice!!


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