I ate abura soba (oil soba) for the first time when I was a university student.
From that, I became a big fan of abora soba. When I was at Nagoya almost every week I ate it.
After working overseas I seldom eat it. But this time able to manage my time to go there.
It’s really delicious. If you never eat or want to know the difference between Mazesoba please review this.
Unfortunately in Malaysia, no shop serves abura soba but similar things have. Please check from the below link if you are interested.
#49 Speciality of Nagoya Taiwan maze soba
Speciality in oil soba Nagoya “Kajiken”

Actually, I didn’t know that maze soba and oil soba is different.
I thought both were and just how it call was different. But it’s similar but not the same.
It’s kind of ramen without soup.
Inside the bowl the soy sause base sirrop is used with sesame oil and you need to eat with chili oil and venegar to mix up to eat.
You need to make sure all the sause will well mix with the noodles.
One more different point is the oil. Oil soba is using botanical type so you don’t feel heavy.
Mazesoba is mixed soba.
Soup is used but less and the all ingredients are mixed up so no need to do by yourself.
Just slightly mix with some toppings and eat it.
There is the mazesoba named Taiwan mazesona which is this restaurant Hanabi menu is also called Nagoya meal.
The oil using at mazesoba is animal oil which might make you feel heavy.
Each shop has its own original menu. For more info please refer to Kajiken’s official homepage. But only Japanese…
To order your meal you need to buy the ticket from the vending machine and pass the ticket to the staff. The good thing is normal and large are the same price 500 yen (5 USD).

I ordered Wafu muso abura soba.
Wafu means Japanese style. The taste becomes more like Japanese.

Fish flake powder and plum combination make the taste fresh and really liked this taste.
Topping variant is plenty you can find your own topping.
How to eat is also displayed. You need to use vinegar and chile sauce to give an accent to your taste.

Restaurant Info
Nagoya station will be a good place to visit.
If you want to see another shop please refer to the official homepage.
Address: Nagoya Summit Hotel, 1f, 5-5 Tsubakichō, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0015, Japan
Operation hour:Monday ~ Thursday;11:00 ~ 22:45、Friday ~ Sunday;11:00 ~ 20:00
Please eat this delicious Nagoya food.
In my personal opinion, abura soba is better than maze soba because abura soba doesn’t feel so heavy.
If you like more oilly food maybe mazesoba is better but you can also have that in Nagoya since there are also famous Taiwan Mazesoba in Nagoya.
#49 Speciality of Nagoya Taiwan maze soba
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